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Why Midland?

Why should I send my child to Midland? There are plenty of reasons.

Now you may be totally familiar with Midland and Adventist education, or this may be your first exposure to the advantages of a Midland education. Whatever your situation, this page will provide you with a variety of topics on why an Adventist, Christian, and holistic education at Midland Adventist Academy is a GOOD idea!

Parent Satisfaction Highest in Private Schools

Private school parents are significantly more satisfied with the schools their children attend than are parents from other sectors, including public charter schools and public district schools. That finding comes from two new studies released by Education Next, a scholarly journal on school reform published by the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and the Harvard Program on Education Policy and Governance at the Harvard Kennedy School.

The first study looked at results from a survey, commissioned by Education Next in May and June of 2016, of a nationally representative sample of 1,571 parents with children in school. The second study analyzed results from a survey of over 17,000 families conducted in 2012 by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The second study’s larger sample size allowed for a deeper dive into population subgroups.

Word of Mouth

Word-of-mouth is one of the best ways to find out what an organization is really like. Our Quote Unquote page contains a variety of direct quotes from Midland's students, staff and family. We think you'll be impressed by what they have to say.

Quote Unquote

General Excellence

Midland Adventist Academy received a six-year, clear accreditation term in both 2016 and 2023. This is the highest recommendation that can be given to a school in the Adventist education system.

It is a mighty thing to know that we are setting the bar for educational excellence. We would like to say a special thank you to students, parents, board members, and constituents who participated in this accreditation process. We are richly blessed by the support of our community.

Private School Students More Likely to Be Ready for College

Students with diplomas from private high schools are considerably more likely to be ready for college than those with diplomas from other schools, according to data from ACT.

Eighty-five percent of 2015 graduates of religious and independent schools who took the ACT met or exceeded the test's college readiness benchmark score in English, compared to 61 percent of graduates from public schools.

The share of students who met or surpassed the benchmark scores in other subjects measured on the ACT was also higher in private schools (reading - 66 percent vs. 44 percent; math - 60 vs. 40; science - 55 vs. 36).

Service to Others Matters 

At Midland, service to others is a priority. After the Haiti disaster in 2010, Midland students and families spent two weeks raising money for Haiti relief. One anonymous donor agreed to make a $500 donation if we raised $500. Our students embraced the challenge and brought in over $1,100.00. The final amount of $1,600.00 was sent to ADRA for Haiti disaster relief. We have been blessed by the generous hearts of so many of our students and their families. 


Because of his high PSAT scores, Thomas Whitson (class of 2007) received recognition as a National Merit Scholar Finalist in 2007. Other Commended National Merit Scholars include Chris Fairchild (2010), Alicia Whitson (2014), Megan Schlinsog (2015), and Erin Burke (2016).

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